
International barcodes. Codes of the countries producing the goods

Штрих код A barcode is a product identifier designed to provide machine-readable information. The digital equivalent of the EAN-13 code consists of:
— prefix (first 2 or 3 digits) indicating the national numbering organization;
— registration number of the enterprise (next 4-5 digits);
— product code, which is assigned to products taking into account the requirements of the EAN system (from 8 to 12 digits);
— control digit (the last thirteen).
USA, Canada 00-13 Israel 729
EAN reserve 20-29 Sweden 73
France 30-37 Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama 740-745
Bulgaria 380 Mexico 750
Slovenia 383 Venezuela 759
Croatia 385 Switzerland 76
Germany 400-440 Colombia 770
Russian Federation 460-461 Uruguay 773
Taiwan 471 Peru 775
Estonia 474 Bolivia 777
Latvia 475 Argentina 779
Lithuania 477 Chile 780
Philippines 480 Paraguay 784
Ukraine 482 Ecuador 786
Hong Kong 489 Brazil 789
Japan 45,49 Italy 80-83
United Kingdom 50 Spain 84
Greece 520 Cuba 850
Cyprus 529 Slovakia 858
Macedonia 531 Czech Republic 859
Malta 535 Turkey 869
Ireland 539 Netherlands 87
Belgium and Luxembourg 54 South Korea 880
Portugal 560 Thailand 885
Iceland 569 Singapore 888
Denmark 57 Indonesia 899
Poland 590 Austria 90-91
Romania 594 Australia 93
Hungary 599 New Zealand 94
South Africa 600-601 Malaysia 955
Morocco 611 Periodicals 977
Tunisia 619 Books 978-979
Finland 64 Receipts 980
China 690-691 Coupons 99
Norway 70
  • Reference books
  • Партнери
  • Нові оголошення
  • Нові компанії